
Date Event & Location Time
Thursday August 27 Board Meeting - Morning Session
104 Fairlane Drive Lafayette, LA
Thursday September 24 Board Meeting - Evening Session
104 Fairlane Drive Lafayette, LA

The Board meets monthly at its office located at:

104 Fairlane Drive
Lafayette, Louisiana 70507


Meetings are open to the public and begin on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 p.m., recess at approximately midnight, reconvene at 8:00 a.m. on Thursday morning, and continue until all business on the agenda is complete. Please note that meeting times are subject to change. Unless noted, Board meetings will be held in the Board Room of the board office. If you would like to attend a meeting but need special accommodations as a result of a disability, please contact the board office at least 3 days prior to the meeting to assure that we can meet your needs. 

Requests for matters to be placed on the agenda must be received at the Board office by Monday noon week of the board meeting. Material received after this date will be held until the next meeting unless it is of an urgent or emergency nature.

View meeting minutes.