Frequently Asked Questions
Our course has already been approved by the State Board. Do we need to re-apply?
Yes. The approval is valid only for the current calendar year. You may present that program again --- EXACTLY as it was approved with the same curriculum and presenter/speaker --- on additional dates within that calendar year. To be sure, check the listing of Approved Courses on the Louisiana Physical Therapy Board website.
How do we know the date of the initial approval? In other words, how do we know when a course approval expires?
For on-site courses, the date of the initial approval is the date the course is first presented, regardless of when you applied for or received approval. All courses/activities are approved for a calendar year and must submit for re-approval each calendar year.
The course must be COMPLETED during that calendar year for the PT or PTA to receive continuing education credit for renewal of licensure.
The course must be COMPLETED during that calendar year for the PT or PTA to receive continuing education credit for renewal of licensure.
Does the course have to be pre-approved?
Yes, the continuing education program must be submitted for prior approval.
How long does it take to process an application?
Course sponsors who desire prior approval of a course, program, or other continuing education activity shall apply for approval on a form provided by the Board to the Board at least 45 days in advance of the commencement of the activity. The Board shall approve or deny the application in writing within 30 days of the application. The application shall state the dates, subjects offered, course outline, total hours of instruction, names and qualifications of speakers and other pertinent information. The course sponsor prior approval status allows the sponsor to advertise that this particular activity has been judged acceptable for continuing education credit for license renewal in the state of Louisiana by the Board. The course sponsor is responsible for adherence to the administrative and program criteria as outlined in The CEU Policy.
The course application I submited was denied. Do I get my fee back?
No, the fee is a review fee, not an approval fee. If you wish to re-apply, you must submit a new application and another review fee.
Our course has been approved, but now we have additional speakers to present the course. Can additional speakers be added at a later date?
Additional speakers can be included at a later time with the approval of the Continuing Education Committee. To get approval, email, mail or fax the CVs or biographies of the additional speakers to the La Physical Therapy Board office along with a cover page requesting a "Supplemental Speaker Approval". Include the title of the course and a contact name and number. Supplemental Speaker approvals go through the same process as a regular application, so allow 45 days for processing.
What are the timelines for online publication?
All Course Sponsor Prior Approval requests will be published on the Board's website in the Continuing Education section under the link titled Approved Courses after being approved.